Tranzine – A magazine about the history, identities and experiences of transgender people

Tranzine – A magazine about the history, identities and experiences of transgender people

“A brief notice on the title “Tranzine”. After several attempts to give this publication a name that not only reflects the diverse content, but also the exuberant and powerful existence of trans people, we decided that such a playful linguistic coinage and a word that de facto does not exist in our language was the most appropriate choice for the first magazine which deals directly and exclusively with this issue. Firstly, because we live in a country that still refuses to adopt the appropriate regulation for the legal recognition of gender, which makes transgender people rejected by the system and by most formal and informal institutions. And secondly, because systemic rejection does not change the fact that trans people exist and will continue to exist, in a way that is always subversive, playful, defiant and collective. This tranzine tells the story of some of that zeal for freedom.” – Kalia Dimitrova , Editor

Download the magazine in Macedonian language here (MK)